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I've deep researched information about MOTIONLINGO ADEO GPS FITNESS TRAINER. So, I guarantee that here is the cheapest MOTIONLINGO ADEO GPS with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy %product:brand% through this page.
Here are some of the great features of MOTIONLINGO ADEO GPS FITNESS TRAINER
%product:brand% , The ADEO is a personal fitness training companion that connects to GPS to track & record your workouts. This lightweight unit works with any mp3 player, iPod� or alone with a pair of headphones. MotionTrak software (included) lets you chart and evaluate your workouts on your PC or Mac. No calibration needed. Just get out and go. Features: Connects to GPS satellites to track & record your workouts, no calibration required Audibly reports your distance, pace, speed, elapsed time, time of day, elevation and calories burned Multi-sport functionality: running, walking, biking, blading, skiing MAC or PC compatible Lets you chart and evaluate your workouts Works with any MP3 player, iPod�, or alone Software allows comparison/sharing of current/past/planned workouts and maps to Google Earth. What�s in the box: MotionLingo ADEO Quick Start Guide USB Standard/Mini Cable Audio Cable ADEO MotionPak MotionTrak Software CD (Read More)
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